Starting a Blog

We would have to say the idea of blogging came to us in a very sudden way. We realized that we sometimes don't express what is going on in our lives very well to our family and friends. So, we thought a blog would be a great idea. Now, let's begin.....

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Pregnancy Itself

We have been very lucky during this pregnancy. The Muffin has had very little morning sickness and for the most part has been able to go about doing her normal activities. There has been a few things that have been going on that have been a little unpleasant and straight up embarrassing but we won't get into that. The best part for us so far has been feeling our little Oreo move. This little Oreo is a mover and even the Brownie has felt the baby move on a very regular basis.We thought it would be fun to share a few ultrasound images with you. We know that they can be hard to see but we thought what the heck.

  Image02 (2)                                   Week 28 #2
They seem to be the same picture but in the second one the Oreo is actually sucking it’s thumb, so cute!!!!

During this pregnancy we have been asked a few standard questions 1. How have you been feeling? 2. How far along are you, when is your due date? 3. What are you having? 4. Where are you having your baby? 5. Are you ready for when the baby comes?  We will take a moment to answer these questions.

1.For the most part we have already answered question one so we won’t go into any more details.

2. Time has really gone by fast for us we are now 34 weeks(7&1/2 months) and only 6 weeks left to go to our expected due date. Our expected due date is April 5th. And as most of us know this can be very unpredictable once we hit 36 weeks we are considered safe to deliver. They will let us go to about 42 weeks without being stressed for the safety of the Oreo and the Muffin.

3. This has been a big question for us. We decided very early in this pregnancy that we were not going to find out the gender of our child. For the most part we have been supported in this decision and more often then not people have been excited for us that we have decided to wait. Has it been hard not to know? In some ways yes and in others no.

4. Most people are surprised that we are not going to the hospital to have are child however, we are not having a home birth either. We were looking for something in between the two options. Lucky for us we found one such place. Its called the Utah Birth Center.

Some of the reasons that we decided to choose a birth center are: limited medical intervention (unless absolutely necessary), more control of labor and delivery process, ability to eat and drink, access to many other options during delivery such as tub, shower, birth stool, etc. Yes, this means no epidural but we feel this is best for us. Feel free to check out the website below the picture.
5. We continue to prepare for the Oreo and we appreciate the many baby items we have received from family thus far. Look forward to future posts showing our preparations for the Oreo :)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Big Revealing

We found out that we were pregnant at the end of July. We were very excited when we found out. We also had a lot of thoughts about how much our lives would change. We did not wait long to tell our immediate families because it was too exciting to wait. We thought long and hard about how we would tell them and finally came up with a little fun way to share our news. We found a small puzzle and wrote a message on the back, we then put the puzzle pieces in a sandwich bag and taped it on the outside of the puzzle box.

 When the family was done putting the puzzle together they found this message written on the back.

As you can tell we didn't give away our little secret right away. Inside the wrapped puzzle box was two little bibs that said " Grandma Loves Me" and "Grandpa's Sidekick".

I think that surprise is the best way to describe our families reaction to our news. We kind of hit them with that one out of the blue. We also made them promise that they would not say anything to anybody else until we were ready to share our news with other family members and friends. We were very impressed when everyone held true to their promise. We waited another 15 weeks to tell our extended family and friends. Everybody was extremely happy for us! 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Establishing the treats!

    We decided the theme of our blog would center around delicious treats because our nicknames for each other somehow became treats. Throughout courtship and then onto marriage, the nicknames Brownie and Muffin became common expressions for one another. We were married on May 20, 2010 which thus far has been the best day of our lives.

Our first dance as husband & wife

    We have had many adventures since being happily married. However, we will not worry you with the details of the past but we will begin our adventures with the present. Say "Hello!" to our little Oreo.